Malim T, Nash G, 2008, Wych and Water: Middlewich’s Canal and Salt Heritage.


Salt Information

Calvert A 1915 Salt in Cheshire E. & F. Spon, London
Calvert A undated Salt and the Salt Industry Pitman’s Common Commodities and Industries, London
Cheshire County Council 1993 Middlewich: Township Pack No. 37
Dick F 2005 The Salt Union Salt Museum Publication ISSN 0263 5593
Earl A L 1990 Middlewich 900-1900, Ravenscroft
Fielding A&A 2006 The Salt Industry Shire Publications, Buckinghamshire
Jackson W 1669 Some inquiries concerning the salt springs and way of making salt at Nantwich, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society vol. 53
King D 1656 Vale Royal: The Manner of Making Salt at Middlewich (actually written by William Smith earlier in the century; King was the engraver)
Lightfoot T 2000 Open Pan Salt Making in Cheshire Lion Salt Works Trust
Research Report No 1
McNeil R 1983 Two 12th century Wich Houses in Nantwich, Cheshire Medieval Archaeology
Middlewich Heritage Society 1988 Industrial Heritage Trail: A fascinating glimpse into a town’s working past
Morrison J 2005 Chemical Uses of Salt Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Morrison J 2005 The Geology of Salt Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Nevell & Fielding 2005 Brine in Britannia: Recent Archaeological Work on the Roman Salt
Industry in Cheshire Council for British Archaeology: Archaeology North West Vol. 7 (Issue 17 for 2004-5)
Penney S 1992 Salt around the House Salt Museum Publication
Petch D 2005 Roman Salt Making Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Phillips A&C 2002 A new Historical Atlas of Cheshire Cheshire County Council
Rochester M 2005 Working Conditions in the Cheshire Salt Industry Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Rochester M 2005 Transport in the Salt Industry Salt Museum Publication
Rochester M 2005 The Salt Tax Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Rochester M 2005 The Supply of Brine Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Rochester M 2005 Rock Salt Mining in Cheshire Salt Museum Publication
Rochester M 2005 The Growth of the Salt Industry in the 19th century Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Rochester M 2005 Sir John Brunner Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Squire M 2005 Social and Environmental Conditions in the Salt Industry Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Salt and the Chemical Revolution 2008 http://www.saltsense.co.uk/hist-chem08.htm
Staveley Industries Plc & British Salt Ltd http://www.competition.org.uk/reppub/reports/
Strickland T 2001Roman Middlewich; A story of Roman and Briton in Mid-Cheshire Middlewich Town Council
Twigg G 2005 Salt Making in Domesday Cheshire Salt Museum Publication
Twigg G 2005 Open Pan Salt Making Salt Museum Publication reprinted
Twigg G 2006 Salt Making Sites in Cheshire http:www.cheshirehistory.org.uk/Papers/
West D 2005 The Cheshire Salt Industry in Tudor & Stuart Times (1485 – 1714) Salt Museum Publication reprinted

Canal Information

Barton, A. 1971. The Canal Builders, David & Charles, Newton Abbot.
Boughey, J. 1994. Hadfield’s British Canals (8th Edition). London: Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd.
Crowe, N. 1994. Canals. English Heritage.
Cumberlidge, J. 1998. Inland waterways of Great Britain.
Eaton, M. 2005. Townbridge Wharf, Middlewich, Cheshire. An historical assessment for British Waterways. Heritage Assessments Ltd. Report: July 2005.
Earp, J. R. & Taylor, B. J. 1986. Geology of the Country around Chester and Winsford – Memoir for 1:50,000 geological Sheet 109. Natural Environment Research Council, HMSO. Edwards, L. 1962. Inland Waterways of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Imray, Laurie,
Norie & Wilson Ltd.
Gladwin, D.D. 1973. The Canals of Britain, Breedon Books, Derby.
Hobbs, P. R. N. et al. 2002. Engineering Geology of British Rocks and Soils – Mudstones of the Mercia Mudstone Group. British Geological Research Report RR/01/02. pp. 106.
Kavanagh, T. 2003. Over 400,000 miles on the Shroppie: The Life and Times of Jack Woolley, Fly-Boatman. Waterways Journal, Vol. 5, pp. 35-60.
Lewery, T. 2006. The Restoration of a Shropshire Union Fly Boat. Waterways Journal, Vol. 8, pp. 37-54.
Lindsay, J. 1979. The Trent & Mersey Canal. David & Charles, Newton Abbot.
Paget-Tomlinson, E. 1993. The Illustrated History of Canals and River Navigations. Coles Ltd.
Paget-Tomlinson, E. 1996. Waterways in the making. The Landscape Press.
Pellow, T. & Bowen, P. 1985. The Shroppie: A Portrait of the Shropshire Union Canal. The
Landscape Press.
Owen, D. E. 1979. Cheshire Waterways. Dalesman.
Russell, R. 1971. Lost Canals of England and Wales, David Charles, Newton Abbot.
Trinder, B. 1982. The Making of an Industrial Landscape. London: J.M. Dent & Sons.

Other useful resources

Chester Record Office. http://www.cheshire.gov.uk/ Duke Street, Chester, CH1 1RL 01244 602574
The Waterways Trust Archives. http://www.thewaterwaystrust.org.uk/ Archives at Gloucester and Ellesmere Port Boat Museum.
British Waterways. http://www.britishwaterways.co.uk/
Waterways Education and Fun by the waterside, www.wow4water.net
Canal Junction, good information on canals, http://www.canaljunction.com/