R.S. Leary with contributions from Kay Hartley and David Williams

A total of 3615 (54515g, rim equivalent total of 4776%) sherds of Romano-British coarse pottery were recovered during the excavations and a further 400 sherd of samian (4369g, rim equivalent total of 674%). Of these 3615 sherds of coarse pottery (54515g, rim equivalent total of 4776%) and 316 sherds of samian (3699g., rim equivalent total of 589%) came from a phased group.  All the pottery is catalogued but only the phased groups are included in the quantification tables.  The ceramics have been catalogued in fabric groups according to the guidelines laid down by the Study Group for Romano-British pottery (Darling 2004).


A ring-necked flagon discovered in the fill of ditch 1221, Trench 12


The pottery was examined in context groups and the fabrics, forms, decoration, condition such as burnt or perforated, level of abrasion and cross joins were recorded.  The catalogue was deposited with SLR Consulting Ltd.  All pottery was quantified by sherd count, weight and rim % values.  The guidelines for compiling Romano-British pottery archives set out by the Study Group for Romano-British pottery were adhered to with additional details being recorded for key groups.

The mortaria was examined in consultation with Kay Hartley who helped with fabric identification and dating.  All the mortaria stamps were identified by Kay Hartley.  The mortaria catalogue and discussion was compiled by R. Leary.  The amphorae sherds were initially sorted by R. Leary but a selection were sent to D.F. Williams for further comment and study.

Further information about how archaeologists study pottery and what can be learnt can be found at  and an excellent site to aid the identification of Roman pottery in Britain can be found here

NOTE: In the ‘Chronology’ section below, the pottery is discussed by trench and phase in chronological order. The text in Italics describes individual sherds of pot from the collection, with numbers in bold italics giving each piece’s catalogue number. The complete catalogue can be viewed in the ‘Illustrated Catalogue’ section – simply click on the thumbnail images to view the artefacts. Note that it may tak a short while to load all of the images.